Monday, December 8, 2008

Cold Medicine

Usually I try to stay away from any medicine, but because of the cold yesterday I slept most of the day, and woke up with a headache this morning, so I thought maybe it's time to make a trip to the pharmacy. I was thinking, normally colds go away after the week, but if I have to work tomorrow with a headache, it would not be fun, hence the trip to the pharmacy. I bought this medicine after asking a pharmacist for advice, and I am quite surprised that the thing actually seems to work.

Let's see how it goes tomorrow, but I hope that the cold stays the same or won't get worse. :D


Jeff said...

Paircoal? Doesn't sound very....appetizing. I can just picture swallowing a piece of coal to cure your cold LOL

Katya said...

Ahahahahaha, yeah, it isn't black, but it doesn't taste better than coal...