Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reading Manga

Today I had to spend a whole day in Toyokawa because I had kindergartden in the morning, and then regular classes in the afternoon. I had a pretty long gap between the two, and it only takes me 10 minutes to set up. So on my way to the school from the kindergarten I stopped by a manga shop and bought some manga. I am not going to tell you what I bought, hehe, because I think it's pretty cheezy, but in any case, I started reading one of the volumes I bought. At first I fell asleep right on the carpet in the classroom (yes, sad, I know, but I was sleep-deprived), but then I got into reading. It surprised me that I could understand what was going on in the manga pretty well. It helped of course that it had furigana above every kanji, and the story is simple, I think, written for high school girls or even junior high school girls. But regardless, I was very happy I could more or less follow, only needing the dictionary once in a while. I read on the train home too, and I'll read tomorrow also, I think, since I have time between lessons.

Last time I tried reading manga I got de-motivated very easily, because I couldn't understand too much. This time around I can actually use this for studying.
Let's hope this manga turns out to be good...

I hope one day to get to a level where I can read stuff like Gintama, but that will probably take years. I'll probably be able to read things like HachiKuro, and Ouran, and other similar manga, maybe some time soon if I study well, but with Gintama it will take a long time, because there are so many cultural references and word-play jokes...


Duelist said...

Admit it, you bought Naruto. :P

Katya said...

Hahaha, no, worse :P.

Katya said...

I can't read Naruto even if I wanted to anyway, the vocabulary is way too complicated.
I was reading a review for this manga last night, and it turns out it's written for junior high school girls. Sad...

It's not the greatest story ever so far, it's ok... but I tried reading "Honey and Clover", which I guess is for people closer to my age, and it's very difficult. So I'll stick with my junior high school manga for now, I guess...