Saturday, February 14, 2009

Provinces and Territories

Do you know how many provinces and territories we have in Canada?
If my mom is reading this, she knows :D, but do all of you know?
Yeah well, last Monday we were talking about Canada with one of my junior high school students, and to my shame I forgot the exact numbers. I kind of guessed in the end and my guess was close enough, but I was off one territory. This is really sad, this is what happens when you only learn Canadian geography for the citizenship exam and the JET interview.

Of course after that incident I went on Wikipedia to check, and let's hope that from now on I'll remember that we have 10 provinces (which I can name, yay), and 3 territories (I have to make sure I never forget Nunavut when counting).


Jeff said...

Wait, why would JET want to know that? To demonstrate that you were able to learn the geography of a foreign country before?

Katya said...

Oh, JET people would often ask Canadian and Japanese trivia questions, especially Canadian trivia. They want to make sure I guess that you are not living under a rock and that you'd be able to answer people in Japan intelligently if asked about Canadian geography, etc.
So I am going to review some Canada-related facts before Thursday :D.

Katya said...

And hey, as long as they don't make me sing, Canadian geography questions would be ok, I guess.

Jeff said...

ahahaha, so they might ask you to sing 'Oh Canada' or something like that? :P

Katya said...

They'd better not, haha!
Well, I've been reading on the JET-related websites that they sometimes ask crazy things (like making you sing) to see how you react in unexpected and potentially weird situations. They want to make sure I guess that you won't cry for mommy and fly back home after two weeks :D.
I just hope I get some nice interviewers...